Deleting files from S3 and CloudFront | Invalidate CloudFront Cache

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When you delete an image from s3, it stays in the CloudFront cache until the cache is cleared, usually 24 hours. In this video, learn how to invalidate the cloud front cache so that any updates or deletes to a file are immediately seen in CloudFront.


  • 0:00​ Intro
  • 1:28 Adding the CloudFront client
  • 5:38 IAM
  • 7:44 Summary


Install and import the CloudFront client

npm i @aws-sdk/client-cloudfront
import { CloudFrontClient, CreateInvalidationCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-cloudfront"

Create a CloudFront object

const cloudfrontDistributionId = process.env.CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_ID

const cloudfront = new CloudFrontClient({
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: accessKey,
    secretAccessKey: secretAccessKey,

Create an invalidation command

const cfCommand = new CreateInvalidationCommand({
  DistributionId: cloudfrontDistributionId,
  InvalidationBatch: {
    CallerReference: post.imageName,
    Paths: {
      Quantity: 1,
      Items: [
        "/" + post.imageName

const response = await cloudfront.send(cfCommand)

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