=> (
<Joke key={} joke={joke.joke} rating={joke.rating} />
Using map like this is super common in React. You need to know how this code works and how to use it.
A component can be stored in an array and we can just dump the array of components into jsx and it will render them:
const jokes = [
id: 1,
joke: "What do you call a cow with no legs?",
rating: 4,
id: 2,
joke: "What do you call a cow with two legs?",
rating: 3,
const jokesComponents = [
<Joke joke={joke.joke} rating={joke.rating} />,
<Joke joke={joke.joke} rating={joke.rating} />
return (
But this is a very hard coded brute force approach, let's make it a little bit more dynamic
For Loop
One way of making this dynamic is to use a normal for loop:
const jokesComponents = []
for (let i = 0; i < jokes.length; i++) {
const joke = jokes[i]
jokesComponents.push(<Joke joke={joke.joke} rating={joke.rating} />)
But since we're just creating a new array, we can use the map function instead:
const jokesComponents = => (
<Joke joke={joke.joke} rating={joke.rating} />
And map is the preferred way of doing this.
We just need to make sure we include a key for each component in the array:
const jokesComponents = => (
<Joke key={} joke={joke.joke} rating={joke.rating} />
Read more about **Why does React need keys?